Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is Pepper Spray Dangerous?

Recently I read one of my classmate's blog and I really support them in what they're trying to do. This article was about how Texas Youth Commission officials have come to an agreement to restrict the use of pepper spray on unruly youths. Limiting this usage my opinion show that the cops, our very own Austin Police Department will know when to use or not to use the pepper spray. It will show that the cops have class or kind of say not to overbuse their powers. Also I believe that its kind of a habit to the APD to resort to some kind of violence(beating on runaway suspects, beating them with their stick, etc) and they kind of forget to ask themselves if this situation is bad enough to resort to violence or in this case pepperspray. My classmate/friend named Ahmad who wrote the article also agreed the the Texas Youth Commission are doing a right thing, "I believe it is inhumane," is what he said. Warning a youth before resorting to pepperspray will be better than just spraying him without seeing what he did wrong, instead of running away from the cops. Overall his article was right in my opinion that what the Texas Youth Commission is doing is for the good of all people and also public safety.