Thursday, November 29, 2007
Austin sergeant fired for fatal shooting
Thursday, November 15, 2007
reply to "Texas Standardized Testing"
Reading this post about standardized testing really got me and I totally agree because teachers these days basically all they do is get the students ready for the test. I believe that teachers need to structure their lesson plan to teach the curriculum and at the same time prepare the student to put all of that knowledge in pencil when it comes down to testing. The state of
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Why you should be registered to vote....
You live in a democracy and that means that you get a say in who runs your country and by way of this privilege you also get a say about how your country is run. The whole point of the voting system is so that our government won’t get “corrupted” and so we can nominate the right people to take care of our country. I’m taking history right now and in the old days people fought for what our government is today, for our government to be based on a voting system. Basically people like Thomas Paine said that if the government had too much power then it would eventually become corrupted. That’s why it should be based on “common wealth,” which meant we the people should have a say in what is going on. Right now elderly people are the most reliable voters. They have the highest percentage of voters of any age group. And because of that, old people get what they want. This is why we need more voters that are young. If you're running for public office, you better be protecting the interests of old people because old people will vote you out. On the other hand, young people don't vote in large numbers and it's not worth a politician’s time to put a lot of effort in courting the young vote. Not that youth isn't important, but if politician A focuses on the young voters and politician B focuses on the old voters, politician B wins, because old people turn out. Turn out is very important because the people who turn out and vote are the ones that rule. If you don't turn out, you lose. If you show up and vote, and get your friends to show up and vote, you are doing a service to the interests of young people. Voting is a tremendous gift. Believe it or not, young people just like you in other countries actually fight and even die for this right; a right that so many youth in democratic nations take for granted. You should vote because you can!